For some time now, crop circles have been popping up all over the world. The US, Russia, China, Africa. It seems there isn't a place on Earth that is off limits to the sudden and generally unexplained appearences of these strange, and at times elaborate, formations.
In the popular movie Signs, starring Mel Gibson and Joaquin Pheonix, the formations were a precursor to an alien invasion. So far the realities of this planet have failed to witness, or at the very elast confirm, such an act. So far, we only have the formations.
There are numerous explanations for these formations. Aliens, weather, pranks. Yet as a civilization, we have yet to come to a definite conclusion, one that everyone agrees upon. There is ample evidence for all theories, depending of course on what you accept as evidence. The internet is filled with testimonies and witnesses, experts in every field imaginable, all claiming the same thing. "Our theory was the one that was right." All these witnesses experts and groups speak in a past tense form, as if the issue is settled simply because they use that tense.
I am sure most of you in the general public are rather tired of hearing about them. With the internet making communication almost instant, and with no filtering of the information put on it, it's easy to get lost along the multitude of trails that one could follow trying to determine what's real and what's not. It's just not worth the time. There is too much garbage to sift through. We have jobs. We have responsabilities that require more than 15 minutes of our days. We, the general public, cannot spend 14 hours a day researching the subject, even if we are fascinated by it. I think it is because of this that most of us are tired of the ideas presented when dealing with crop circles. We simply no longer care if they are real or not.
I used to wonder. At least, I did until I saw one with my own eyes. Now right up front I am going to tell you that I did not witness it happen. The cause of the formation is purely speculation. I only saw the results, as do most who witness such things. I only saw the completed circle. I was walking to work early morning, approximately around 5:00 AM. My usual path cut across an emopty field. It was within this field that I saw the circle.
Before I go further, I would like to add some particulars about this field. It wasn't one of those big fields like you see in the movies. It was just an empty lot, nestled between a large grcery store and a very well known car dealership, no more than 65-75 yards square give or take. To the front of this field was the highway, to the back was the street on which my home rested. There were probably 8 to a dozen houses that could hit the field with a thrown rock from their front steps. This was not some secluded farm, it was an empty lot in the middle of a city neighborhood.
It was overgrown with gras and weeds, standing close to three feet in height. It came to my waist. I was walking along the outside of the field, next to the dealership, when I saw it, about 2 feet in from the egde.
I did say that I no longer wonder about the original of crop circles. But this isn't because I know the answer to their riddle. I suppose you could say it's the exact opposite. I beleive that no one does. I believe the answer to the riddle goes beyond anything I can research. To expand, what I mean is that since I did not witness the actual forming of the circle, all I can really do is guess. Any research I can do is limited to other reports of crop circles, who also did not witness them happening. basically, I can look at the exact same information millions of others have already looked at. All these reports, and all this informtion, has led to the multitude of existing theories concerning the origins of these formations, which tells me none of it is conclusive.
Couple that with what I personally witnessed, and I feel none of these theories are even close to being right. Or if they are right, they are not right in the way they think. Let me exlain.
The circle I saw was different than anything I had read or heard about. Because of this difference I can rule out some possible causes for its creation.
This circle was not caused by a baord strapped to a person's feet, as many will claim before even listening to what I have to say. They will ask how can I possibly be certain it was not made from boards strapped to someone's feet? I have two reasons for knowing this.
One) there were no footprints leading into the circle. I know, you're saying 'Wait a minute. How can you be so sure there were no footprints when the field was around 200
feet square? Is it possible I missed some along the way?"
No, it isn't possible that I missed the footprints. The field was that large, that's true, but the circle was not. This circle was no larger than a child's snow sled. That's right, it was only 3 feet across. It was a miniature crop circle. I could see the entire circumference of the circle as easily as I can see my own two feet, my gut withstanding. There were no footprints leading into it through the grass and weeds.
So now you say "wait a minute. You claimed it was maybe only 2 feet from the edge of the field. WOuldn't it be possible for someone to simply straddle the grass, thus leaving no footprints behind?"
No, it was not possible for someone to straddle the grass or 'leap' into the field so as to not leave any footprints. The reason I know this is the second reason I know it was not made from someone's feet. The grass stood approximately 3 feet high. The circle was only maybe 12 inches deep, meaning the bottom 2 feet of each and every blade of grass still stood perfectly erect, straight up, undisturbed. Also, the blades of this grass were not cut, but folded, and they all lay in the same direction, creating a smooth spiral pattern.
I don't know too many people light enough to leap upon grass and not have it fold to the ground beneath them, do you? Try as I might, I cannot think of a way to trample only the top part of a blade of grass.
The circle I saw was maybe 3 feet in diameter. The blades were not cut. Nor were the full blades folded but only the top 12 inches. There was no disturbance to the grass around the circle, which means whatever caused it was suspended from above.
What exactly that was, I don't know. Could it have been man-made? Sure. Could it have been made by something other than man? Sure. For the time being, I have not heard or read any theory about crop circles that is even remotely satifactory in explaining what I saw with my own eyes.
My miniature crop circle.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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